New generation apps for speech and communication
The possibilities of a computer in Speech Therapy have been explored since the very early computers became available. Tablet computers provide remarkable possibilities within rehabilitation. But one thing computers are generally not very good at is flexibility.
Therefore, we designed and created Sanapsis to provide a platform and tools for you to make the best use of technological possibilities without restricting your creativity and flexibility. For professional speech and language therapists Sanapsis Pro provides a library of materials, ideas and tools for therapy. For people looking to work on speech and communication at home, Sanapsis+ provides word-level exercises and ideas on how to enhance and enrich communication at home. Find out how you can make the most of our tools to help you shine!
For professional Speech and Language Pathologists (SLP), Sanapsis provides an open platform for working with your patient.
Sanapsis Pro has specific tasks to complete, and it provides an abundance of stimuli. But it does not determine one goal of each task or force you to repeat the same thing with the materials provided. It gives you ideas. It allows you to be flexible and work together with your patient. With Sanapsis, it is always the two of you working together towards the individual goals set by a professional. With top materials designed and produced specifically for speech and language therapy. Sanapsis includes all materials in three languages: English (US), Finnish and Swedish.
SANAPSIS+ for working on speech and communication at home
If you are looking for a solution to work on speech and communication at home, Sanapsis+ is built for you.
SANAPSIs+ itsenäiseen kotiharjoitteluun
Jos etsit tukea itsenäiseen puheen ja kommunikoinnin harjoitteluun kotona, Sanapsis+ on rakennettu sinulle.
Om du är ute efter språk- och kommunikationsträning hemma är Sanapsis+ något för dig.